Article 37: Torture and deprivation of liberty

IRAN : Un mineur risque une exécution imminente
19/May/2015 News
Hamid Ahmadi, a été inculpé lorsqu’il avait 16 ans, et pourrait être exécuté de manière imminente, même si son affaire est en cours de réexamen.
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IRAN: Juvenile offender faces imminent execution
18/May/2015 News
Hamid Ahmadi was convicted of fatally stabbing a man during a group fight that took place when he was 16 years old. 
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LATIN AMERICA: Progress report on the prohibition of corporal punishment
18/May/2015 Publication
This briefing illustrates the progress made to date in the region, and sets out what needs to be done in those States that have yet to achieve law reform
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EUROPE: Children deprived of liberty in Central and Eastern Europe - Between legacy and reform
18/May/2015 Publication
This study by the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee provides a systematic overview of the closed institutions where children...
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VIOLENCIA: Nuevo informe global sobre la prohibición del castigo físico en las escuelas
18/May/2015 Publication
El informe: 'Hacia escuelas no violentas - prohibición del castigo corporal en todas sus formas' será presentado en el 6º Congreso Mundial sobre Violencia en las Escuelas y Políticas Públicas en Lima, Peru, en mayo de 2015. 
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VIOLENCE: New global report on prohibiting corporal punishment in schools
18/May/2015 Publication
The report 'Towards non-violent schools - prohibiting all corporal punishment' will be launched at the 6th World Congress on School Violence and Public Policies in Lima, Peru, May 2015. 
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Progress towards prohibition in the Pacific Islands
14/May/2015 Publication
This briefing highlights the immediate human rights obligations to prohibit all violent punishment of children in the 16 member States of the Pacific Islands Forum. It will be launched at the Pacific Islands Countries Conference on Violence against Children, Fiji, 18-20 May 2015.  
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دراسة حالة: تقديم الدعم القانوني والاجتماعي للأطفال اللاجئين في بيت لحم
11/May/2015 Publication
افتتحت مؤسسة شروق، بالتعاون مع الشبكة الدولية لحقوق الطفل (كرين) في أيلول عام 2014 العيادة القانونية في مخيم الدهيشة...
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CASE STUDY: Providing legal and social support to refugee children in Bethlehem
11/May/2015 Publication
In September 2014, Shoruq Organisation, with the support of CRIN, opened a legal clinic in Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the...
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