Article 29: Aims of education

CROATIA: Sex-ed stalemate after decades of disagreement
10/May/2016 Publication
A collective complaint exposed discrimination in the material being taught in Croatian sex education classes but did not manage to cement a better system.
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LATINOAMÉRICA: Acceso a la información y los derechos de los niños
1/Mar/2016 News
Artículo que analiza el derecho de los niños, niñas y adolescentes a la información en el contexto de América Latina. 
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COLOMBIA: Free education secured for 12 million children
25/Jan/2016 Publication
Part of a law which allowed the Colombian government to charge for primary education was deemed unconstitutional after a direct challenge against its discriminatory provisions.
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Human Rights Day 2015: Freedoms for adults only?
9/Dec/2015 Publication
The freedoms set out in the two Covenants are universal; they apply to everyone, everywhere. Children are no exception, they have all human rights. But children’s freedoms are rarely a priority; the ability to think freely, act and speak is too often denied for children all over the world.
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UNITED KINGDOM: Top judge leads calls to scrap mandatory daily Christian worship in schools
7/Dec/2015 News
Schools in the UK should not be required to provide daily acts of worship of a Christian character according reforms proposed by a top-level inquiry into faith in multicultural Britain.
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UNITED KINGDOM: Top judge leads calls to scrap mandatory daily Christian worship in schools
7/Dec/2015 News
Schools in the UK should not be required to provide daily acts of worship of a Christian character according reforms proposed by a top-level inquiry into faith in multicultural Britain.
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UN: Children's rights and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
2/Dec/2015 Publication
Ahead of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, this new report calls on the UN to address the rights of children with disabilities with the same consistency and rigour as adults’ rights. 
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RDC : rapport d'HRW sur la prise pour cible d'écoles
2/Nov/2015 Publication
Le présent rapport décrit la manière dont les écoles sont devenues la cible des attaques menées par les groupes armés engagés dans des conflits armés dans l’est de la RD Congo.
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EUROPE: Sexual rights and risks among youth online
26/Oct/2015 News
Children and youth are one of the fastest-growing groups of internet users, bringing them great opportunities – but also new risks.
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