Article 21: Adoption

Human Rights Day 2015: Freedoms for adults only?
9/Dec/2015 Publication
The freedoms set out in the two Covenants are universal; they apply to everyone, everywhere. Children are no exception, they have all human rights. But children’s freedoms are rarely a priority; the ability to think freely, act and speak is too often denied for children all over the world.
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The Year in Children's Rights: CRIN's 2014-15 annual report
6/Oct/2015 Publication
CRIN’s annual report wastes no time regurgitating blurb about who we are and what we do. Instead, we present a global picture of children’s rights, wrapping up the past year’s new or persisting issues around the world. 
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MEXICO: La Suprema Corte habilita la adopción para parejas homosexuales
17/Aug/2015 News
La sentencia dicta que la norma violaba el derecho fundamental a constituir una familia
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JUSTICE: 'Children’s equitable access to justice in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia'
16/Jun/2015 Publication
This UNICEF report sheds light on the tremendous barriers children in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia face in accessing justice for violations of their rights. 
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ADOPTION: Earthquake orphans - what Nepal can learn from Haiti
6/May/2015 News
In the wake of Nepal's recent earthquake, this article clarifies the importance of not assuming that unaccompanied children have no living parents or family, and how international adoption is not disaster relief. 
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