
ZIMBABWE: Dreadlocked schoolboy wins case
23/Jan/2012 News
Summary: A schoolboy has won a case against his school which banned him from attending lessons because he wears dreadlocks...
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EDUCATION: Left behind - The impact of Zimbabwe’s mass forced evictions on the right to education
17/Nov/2011 Publication
Summary: Forced evictions drive poor people deeper into poverty and leave them more vulnerable to other human rights...
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ZIMBABWE: Thousands of girls forced out of education
17/Nov/2011 News
Summary: Analysis of the factors that prevent girls in Zimbabwe from exercising their right to education. ...
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UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child (1959)
Fri, 20/11/1959 - 00:00 Instrument
Proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 1386(XIV) of 20 November 1959...
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ZIMBABWE: Des bibliothèques mobiles pour promouvoir l’alphabétisation
19/Apr/2011 News
Summary: A travers le Zimbabwe, la crise économique et politique a obligé les écoliers à se débrouiller sans livres ni...
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