
Hands of Africa Foundation
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Fundrising,lobbying for support women and children in Africa, for education and health.As the people faced the impact of...
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International Child Support
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
ICS strategy focuses on vulnerable and underprivileged children and its social environment to ensure the development and...
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De Kinderombudsman
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
The Children's Ombudsman has started work at the beginning of 2011, and is be part of the Office of the National Ombudsman...
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Dynamo International
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
The social purpose of Dynamo International is development cooperation especially in the fields related to children and...
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Aflatoun, Child Social and Financial Education
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Bringing the uniquely balanced concept of Child Social and Financial Education (CSFE) to children around the world, to...
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Human Rights Education Associates
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
HREA is an a-political, non-profit organisation whose main mission is to support efforts aimed at introducing human rights...
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War Child Holland
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
To empower children in war affected areas through: Psychosocial programmes using creative arts and sports to strengthen...
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International Research on Working Children - IREWOC
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
IREWOC's goal is to generate more research on child labour, and to raise awareness and motivate action around this complex...
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Defence for Children International Netherlands
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
Defence for Children International is an inde­pendent interna­tional organi­sation. Its main focus is the promotion of...
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19/Dec/2013 Country
The Netherlands is a European country bordering Germany and Belgium. A constitutional monarch with a long tradition of...
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