
Terre des Hommes - Spain
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
The mission of the Terre des Hommes organisations is to provide active support to children, without racial, religious,...
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Dynamo International
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
The social purpose of Dynamo International is development cooperation especially in the fields related to children and...
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Global Campaign for Education
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
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l'Observatoire National des Droits de l'Enfant
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
After the ratification of the...
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19/Dec/2013 Country
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Africa: Meeting of the African Committee of Experts - a positive step to promote and protect the rights of the African child
28/Nov/2013 News
Summary: Amnesty International commended the commitment shown by those African states that have ratified the African...
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TRANSPARENCY: Russia, China and Saudi Arabia among States seeking election to the UN Human Rights Council
26/Nov/2013 News
Fourteen new countries will be elected to the UN’s human rights scrutinising body next week, with France, the United...
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MAROC : deux adolescents arrêtés pour une photo sur Facebook
7/Oct/2013 News
Summary: Un couple d'adolescents a posté sur le réseau social un cliché les montrant en train de s'embrasser. Ils sont...
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MOROCCO: National Laws
20/Sep/2013 Publication
Summary: General overview of Morocco's national legal provisions on children's rights, including guidance on how to...
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