
Testimony Without Fear - Non-Revictimizing Cultures and Practices: A Map of Practices for Taking Special Testimony from Children and Adolescents
19/Apr/2011 Publication
Summary: International review, comparison, and analysis of child-friendly justice practices in various jurisdictions....
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HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: Global Report 2010
26/Jan/2011 Publication
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LITHUANIA: Euro-Politicians Again Hit Out at Anti-Gay Proposals by Lithuanian MPs
20/Jan/2011 News
Summary: The European Parliament is urging Lithuanian MPs to reject a draft law to criminalise the 'promotion of...
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DISCRIMINACIÓN: La Eurocámara pide a Lituania que rechace una ley sobre homosexualidad
20/Jan/2011 News
Summary: El Parlamento Europeo ha expresado su preocupación repecto a un proyecto de ley en Lituania que, si aprobado,...
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CRC ELECTIONS: Dainius Puras (Lithuania)
8/Sep/2010 News
Summary: CRIN is contacting all candidates standing for election to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in...
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