
INHUMAN SENTENCING: Life imprisonment of children in the European Union
7/Apr/2014 Publication
A review of life imprisonment of children in the European Union.
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БЕЛЬГИЯ: Парламент принял закон о детской эвтаназии
21/Feb/2014 News
[13/02/2014] Бельгийский парламент после голосования в нижней палате принял законопроект об эвтаназии для смертельно...
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La BELGIQUE légalise l'euthanasie pour les mineurs
21/Feb/2014 News
La loi, déjà votée en décembre par le Sénat, a été approuvée par les députés à une majorité de 86 « pour », 44 « contre » et 12 abstentions.
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BELGIUM: Age restrictions lifted on euthanasia
13/Feb/2014 Publication
The amendment removes any reference to the age of a patient.
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BELGIUM: Age restrictions lifted on euthanasia
13/Feb/2014 News
The amendment removes any reference to the age of a patient.
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UNICEF Brussels - EU Liaison Office
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
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Dynamo International
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
The social purpose of Dynamo International is development cooperation especially in the fields related to children and...
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UNICEF Brussels - EU Liaison Office
19/Dec/2013 Organisation
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19/Dec/2013 Organisation's website includes the...
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