Article 21: Adoption

UNITED STATES: OPSC report on sexual exploitation and child-friendly justice
6/Aug/2012 Publication
Summary: This report looks at the United States' current laws and recent legal reform in relation to the sexual...
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JAPAN: OPSC report on sexual exploitation and child-friendly justice
1/Aug/2012 Publication
Summary: This report looks at Japan's current laws and recent legal reform in relation to the sexual exploitation of...
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MOROCCO: OPSC report on sexual exploitation and child-friendly justice
23/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: This report looks at Morocco's current laws and recent legal reform in relation to the sexual exploitation of...
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POLAND: OPSC report on sexual exploitation and child-friendly justice
23/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: This report looks at Poland's current laws and recent legal reform in relation to the sexual exploitation of...
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HAITI: State ratifies Hague Convention on adoption
27/Jun/2012 News
Summary: Additionally, a new domestic law on adoption will be drafted, as the one currently in force, approved in 1974,...
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Guidelines on Action for Children in the Justice System in Africa
Sat, 31/03/2012 - 00:00 Instrument
These Guidelines were prepared and published by Defence for Children International and the African Child Policy Forum in conjunction with the 2011 Kampala Conference on Child Justice.
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AFRICA: Call to reverse soaring adoption rates
7/Jun/2012 News
Summary: As the number of African children adopted by people outside the continent reaches record levels, experts,...
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Swaziland to be a child-friendly country
1/Jun/2012 News
Summary: Deputy Prime Minister Themba Masuku is excited about the recently enacted Children’s Protection and Welfare Bill...
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