Refugee and unaccompanied children

Отчет CRIN «В чьих интересах? Правовой статус детей без сопровождения в странах СНГ»
16/Дек/2014 Publication
Дети без сопровождения, путешествующие между странами, входящими в Содружество Независимых Государств (СНГ)* не имеют практически никакой правовой защиты, согласно последнему исследованию Международной сети по правам ребенка (CRIN).
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UKRAINE: Half a million displaced in eastern Ukraine as winter looms
9/Дек/2014 News
[5 December 2014] – The fighting in eastern Ukraine this year has internally displaced over half a million people leaving...
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AUSTRALIA: Baby Ferouz and the children kept behind bars
21/Ноя/2014 Publication
Born in Brisbane to asylum seeker parents in November 2013, baby Ferouz has spent his life moving from detention centre to detention centre. In October 2014, a federal court judge ruled that both he and his family had no right to stay in Australia. Lawyers for Ferouz and other Australian-born babies of people seeking asylum challenged the government's plan to send them to a notorious detention centre, thousands of miles from the mainland.  
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EU: The current situation of violence towards children
18/Ноя/2014 Publication
This EU report seeks to provide an insight into the problem of violence towards children in the EU, focusing on the particular vulnerabilty of children and their coresponding need for special protection. The qualitative and quantiative definitions of violence are examined, together with the root causes thereof and ways of preventing it, as well as international child protection standards used for reference. Finally, the document sets out the action taken by the EU to support efforts by Member States to protect children from violence.
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UE : état des lieux de la violence contre les enfants
18/Ноя/2014 Publication
Aperçu du problème de la violence à l'encontre des enfants au sein de l'UE. Le document présente aussi l'action que l'UE déploie pour soutenir les efforts des États membres dans la protection des enfants.  
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THE NETHERLANDS: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
8/Ноя/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
Below is a short summary of some of the key issues from the report by the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons,...
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BELGIUM: Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
1/Ноя/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
Below is a short summary of some of the key issues from the report of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons,...
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DETENTION : Des enfants marqués à vie par la violence dans les centres pour migrants
23/Окт/2014 News
Un nombre croissant d'enfants migrants sont placés en détention dans les pays où ils cherchent l'asile, alors que de plus en plus de travaux scientifiques montrent que ce genre d'enfermement génère des difficultés psychologiques et des problèmes de développement à long terme. IRIN - 22 octobre 2014.
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SOMALIA: Forced displacement shows ‘no signs of easing,’ UN agency warns
16/Окт/2014 News
[16 September 2014] – Alarming circumstances such as forced evictions, drought, conflict and lack of livelihood have...
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AUSTRALIA: Gobierno federal anuncia la liberación de niños detenidos en centros de inmigración
19/Авг/2014 News
Se les otorgarán visas a 150 niños y la medida no se aplicará a los alojados en Nauru e Isla de Navidad. La cifra total de niños detenidos supera los 1500. 
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Подписка на Refugee and unaccompanied children