Article 30: Children of minorities or of indigenous peoples

RAPPORT : What Lies Beneath
15/Май/2018 Publication
En tant qu'ONG, nous posons-nous assez souvent la question de savoir si ce que nous faisons est bien ce que nous devrions faire ? Notre travail est-il nécessaire, répond-t-il à un besoin ?  
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REPORT: What Lies Beneath
14/Мар/2018 Publication
As NGOs, how often do we question whether what we’re doing is what we ought to be doing? In other words, is our work needed and necessary? Here are CRIN's thoughts on this question. 
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CZECH REPUBLIC: First steps taken on ending anti-Roma discrimination in schools
13/Сен/2017 Publication
In 1999, D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic became the first case in Czech history to seek an end to anti-Roma discrimination in education.
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КЕНИЯ: Нубийские дети и борьба за гражданство
7/Июн/2017 Publication
Уже более века нубийцы живут на территории Кении, но до сих пор они не признаны гражданами этой страны. В результате, в вопросах, касающихся получения доступа к основным услугам, они сталкиваются со значительными ограничениями и дискриминацией.  
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Mapping the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
17/Ноя/2016 Publication
It has been recognized widely that all 17 Sustainable Development Goals are relevant for children but how do they...
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Oršuš and others v. Croatia
вт, 16/03/2010 - 17:00 Instrument
Case concerning the segregation of Roma students in primary schools in Croatia.
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FRANCE : ados en bidonvilles et en squats : l'école impossible !
28/Сен/2016 Publication
Le Collectif pour le droit des enfants roms à l’éducation publie une étude qui montre que pour de nombreux adolescents âgés de 12 à 18 ans vivant en bidonvilles et en squats, l’école reste inaccessible.
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ENVIRONNEMENT : rapport du Rapporteur spécial de l'ONU sur les déchets et produits dangereux
22/Сен/2016 Publication
Rapport examinant les droits et responsabilités concernant la prévention de l'exposition d'enfants à des substances potentiellement nocives.
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Fontaine v. Canada (Attorney General)
вт, 14/01/2014 - 12:30 Instrument
Case concerning the production and disclosure of documents gathered in police investigations relating to child abuse at an Indian Residential School.
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ENVIRONMENT: Children's rights-focused report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Toxics
5/Сен/2016 Publication
Report examining rights and responsibilities around prevention of childhood exposure to potentially harmful substances.  
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