Legal frameworks

TRANSPARENCY: UN Committee on NGOs will not reduce transparency and accountability any further
9/Фев/2015 News
China announced that it would withdraw its proposal to withhold the names of countries that stall the application process of NGOs apply for ECOSOC status.
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SOMALIA: Government ratifies UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
20/Янв/2015 News
Somalia's ratification of the UNCRC leaves the United States and South Sudan as the only States yet to ratify the treaty. 
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CRIN STATEMENT: Extreme concern about call for reintroduction of the death penalty for children in Egypt
12/Дек/2014 News
The Child Rights International Network (CRIN) has become aware of a statement made by Mahmoud al-Badawi, Chairman of the...
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BOLIVIA: La responsabilidad penal del menor de 14 años, por Javier Quenta Fernández
7/Окт/2014 News
Una aproximación reflexiva sobre la disminución de la edad penal en el Código Niña, Niño, Adolescente
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