
CHILDREN IN INSTITUTIONS: CRIN's submission for the draft General Comment of the CRPD on article 19
5/juil/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission on the proposed draft general comment No. 5 by the UN Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD), on article 19 of the Convention.
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РУМЫНИЯ: Иск НПО, бросившей вызов халатности в государственных интернатах
10/Mai/2017 Publication
Оставленный матерью в младенческом возрасте, Валентин Кампеану в конечном итоге умер в румынском доме-интернате. Две НПО подали жалобу в ЕСПЧ с целью привлечь к ответственности Румынию и не допустить подобных случаев в будущем.
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ENVIRONMENT: CRIN submission for the CRC's Day of General Discussion on 'children’s rights and the environment'
29/juil/2016 Publication
The submission contributes information on the different aspects of children’s access to justice in relation to rights violations resulting from environmental damage.  
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ROMANIA: The ‘legal black hole’ for children in institutions
20/juil/2016 Publication
Abandoned by his mother at birth, Valentin Câmpeanu eventually died in a Romanian orphanage. Two NGOs brought a case to the European Court of Human Rights to get accountability for the way he was treated and to help prevent similar abuses.
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Discrimination and disenfranchisement: A global report on status offences
20/avr/2016 Publication
Status offences criminalise actions for only certain groups of people, most commonly because of their religion, sexuality or age. This new CRIN report examines how these offences affect children and the new forms they are taking.
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LATINOAMÉRICA: Acceso a la información y los derechos de los niños
1/mar/2016 News
Artículo que analiza el derecho de los niños, niñas y adolescentes a la información en el contexto de América Latina. 
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EXTREME LANGUAGE: ‘Radicalisation', punitive measures and children’s rights
20/Jan/2016 News
'Radicalisation' has become a fearful term, and measures to prevent it in children are often excessive, even resulting in them being accused of extremism for simply exploring their own ideas. 
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EXPLOITATION: Joint submission to the OHCHR on ​ICTs and child sexual exploitation
19/oct/2015 News
Joint submission for the OHCHR report on "Information and communication technology and child sexual exploitation".
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