LGBTI rights

AUSTRIA: Quashing discrimination in age of consent laws
18/juil/2018 Publication
An activist lawyer in Austria brought a series of cases to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to eliminate discriminatory differences in the age sexual of consent for gay and heterosexual couples.
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In the matter of M (Children)
mer, 20/12/2017 - 00:00 Instrument
Case concerning a transgender parent seeking contact with her children who live as part of an ultra-orthodox Jewish community.
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BIRTH REGISTRATION: CRIN's submission for OHCHR's report on best practices on birth registration
25/oct/2017 Publication
This submission was made to inform OHCHR's report on best practices on birth registration. It focuses on the rights and...
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RIGHT TO HEALTH: CRIN's submission for OHCHR's report on the Sustainable Development Goals
16/oct/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input the report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the...
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SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND GENDER IDENTITY: CRIN'S submission to the report of the Independent Expert
6/juin/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission for the report of the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity  
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ХОРВАТИЯ: Десятилетия споров по вопросам полового воспитания ни к чему не привели
5/juin/2017 Publication
Коллективная жалоба подвергла критике дискриминационные материалы, используемые на уроках полового воспитания в Хорватии, но не смогла закрепить лучшую систему.
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CRIN Submission on mental health and human rights
1/nov/2016 Publication
This submission is CRIN's contribution to an OHCHR call for input on the issue of mental health and human rights for an...
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РОССИЯ: Областной суд отменил решение о блокировке проекта «Дети-404»
25/oct/2016 News
Калужский областной суд отменил решение о блокировке проекта «Дети-404. ЛГБТ подростки» в социальной сети «ВКонтакте»,...
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LGBT: Niños de escuela primaria recibirán formación más igualitaria, y aprenderán sobre familias homoparentales
18/juil/2016 News
La Junta de Educación de California aprobó la semana pasada modificar el plan de estudios porque:" la comunidad LGBT es parte de la historia de Estados Unidos y que no se puede entender la colectividad del país sin conocer el pasado de este grupo social"
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