Juvenile justice

NIGERIA : abandon des poursuites contre une adolescente accusée d'avoir tué son mari
26/Mai/2015 News
Le parquet nigérian a abandonné mercredi les poursuites contre une adolescente de 15 ans accusée d'avoir empoisonné son mari de plus de vingt ans son aîné avec de la mort aux rats.
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NIGERIA: Child bride murder charges dropped
21/Mai/2015 News
The 15-year-old girl that has killed her 20 years older husband after a forced marriage will not be prosecuted for murder. 
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UNITED STATES: Omar Khadr and the child soldiers of the war on terror
20/Mai/2015 News
Omar Khadr, the Canadian born ex- Guantanamo detainee has been released on bail. Read CRIN's analysis of the US policy on the detention of child soldiers.
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دراسة حالة: تقديم الدعم القانوني والاجتماعي للأطفال اللاجئين في بيت لحم
11/Mai/2015 Publication
افتتحت مؤسسة شروق، بالتعاون مع الشبكة الدولية لحقوق الطفل (كرين) في أيلول عام 2014 العيادة القانونية في مخيم الدهيشة...
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CASE STUDY: Providing legal and social support to refugee children in Bethlehem
11/Mai/2015 Publication
In September 2014, Shoruq Organisation, with the support of CRIN, opened a legal clinic in Dheisheh Refugee Camp in the...
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CAMPAIGNING: Joint letter expressing deep concern over Pakistani death row juvenile
8/Mai/2015 News
CRIN together with other human rights organisations sent a third letter to Pakistan's Federal Minister for Interior to emphasise the need for a fair and transparent inquiry in line with human right standards.
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PERU: Poder Judicial busca reducir tasa de reincidencia juvenil
28/avr/2015 News
El Poder Judicial inauguró un moderno módulo del Servicio de Orientación al Adolescente para la reinserción social del joven infractor sin necesidad de internamiento en un centro cerrado de rehabilitación.
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ITALY: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
20/avr/2015 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Also included is the final report and the list of accepted and rejected recommendations.
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PAKISTAN: Court allows challenge to execution of man convicted as juvenile
17/avr/2015 News
The Islamabad High Court has today said it will hear the first significant legal challenge to the execution of Shafqat Hussain who was convicted as a juvenile.
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PARAGUAY: Semana de la Justicia Restaurativa Juvenil
16/avr/2015 News
El Ministerio de Justicia ha elaborado un Plan de Atención a Adolescentes en conflicto con la Ley Penal con un enfoque restaurativo.
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