Child participation

Children's Planning Initiative
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
CPI aim to create child centred decision making systems in partnership with organisations who care for children e.g....
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Children's Human Rights Centre of Albania / Defence for Children International - Albania
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
CRCA works in the area of child protection, child development and child participation. The main programmes of the...
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Division of Childhood and Adolescence, Department of Health, Canada
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
The Division of Childhood and...
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Childhope - Africa
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
C.H.A. is a national, non-...
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Child Restoration Outreach
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
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Onderzoeks Centrum Kind and Samenleving
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
This is a research and development` centre that intends to improve the position of children in society. Its vision of the...
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Child-to-Child Trust
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Child to Child is an international child-rights agency located at the Institute of Education, University of London....
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Catholic Relief Services
3/Jan/2001 Organisation
Catholic Relief Services was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and...
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