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YEMEN: Five-year old girl raped (Arabic)
2/avr/2011 News
اليمن: اغتصاب طفلة في الخامسة من عمرها.. ومنظمة سياج تطالب بسرعة إحالة المتهم للقضاء وتثمن موقف محافظ عمران...
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MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA: Update on govt crackdown on civilian protests
10/mar/2011 News
Summary: Civilian lives continue to be lost amid government crackdowns on pro-democracy protests across North Africa and...
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AFGHANISTAN: Govt proposal would clamp down on women’s shelters
9/mar/2011 News
Summary: Women’s advocates say that rules being drafted by the Afghan government to bring women's shelters under State...
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LIBYA: International court to investigate Gaddafi regime for crimes against humanity
3/mar/2011 News
Summary: International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, will present an overview of the alleged crimes...
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COTE D'IVOIRE: The north unplugged
3/mar/2011 News
Summary: In northern Côte d’Ivoire vaccines are going bad, taps are dry and the families of women in labour are ferrying...
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ESPAÑA: Denuncias de niños robados durante el Franquismo llegan a la Fiscalía General del Estado
3/mar/2011 News
Summary: Las denuncias de niños robados desde el Franquismo hasta los años ‘80 han llegado a la Fiscalía General del...
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KENYA: Rights groups accuse govt of patient abuse
3/mar/2011 News
Summary: Rights groups accuse Kenya of contravening UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities after a CNN...
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