Article 38: Armed conflicts

ISRAEL-OPT: ‘Appalled’ by attack on UN-run school in Gaza, Ban urges halt to all fighting
25/juil/2014 News
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today he is “appalled” by the news of an attack on a United Nations-run school in Gaza where hundreds of people had taken refuge from the ongoing hostilities.
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OPT: Radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza banned by Israeli government
24/juil/2014 News
Human rights group B'Tselem will petition Israel's supreme court after advert was deemed to be 'politically controversial'.
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ARMED CONFLICT: Rape survivors in Central African Republic not getting help
23/juil/2014 News
The presence of armed groups and continued fighting has left women and girls vulnerable to forced marriage and extreme violence, including rape.
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DR CONGO: Impunity leads perpetrators to continue child rights violations
22/juil/2014 News
21 July 2014 – The recruitment and use of children by armed groups remained endemic in the Democratic Republic of the...
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SYRIA: Child marriage soars among Syrian refugees in Jordan
18/juil/2014 News
Girls who have fled Syria's civil war are increasingly vulnerable to exploitation, domestic violence and poverty, warns the UN.
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TPO : une victime sur trois est une femme ou un enfant
14/juil/2014 News
Trente pour cent des 172 Palestiniens qui ont perdu la vie ces sept derniers jours et nuits dans la bande de Gaza sont des femmes et des enfants, selon l’agence de presse allemande (DPA). Le Soir, 14 juillet 2014.
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OPT: Half of Gaza's dead from Israeli airstrikes 'are women and children'
11/juil/2014 News
Gaza health ministry says most of at least 81 killed in Israeli air strikes are non-combatants.
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AFGHANISTAN: Child casualties have more than doubled since start of year, says UN
11/juil/2014 News
Ground combat and crossfire hit children and women with unprecedented force in the armed conflict in Afghanistan in first six months of 2014.
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TERRITORIO PALESTINO OCUPADO: Niños mueren mientras los ataques entre Israel y Hamas se intensifican
9/juil/2014 News
Desde el inicio de la ofensiva, el martes, han muerto 27 personas en Gaza, incluidos 18 civiles, de los que cinco eran niños, según fuentes de los servicios de emergencia palestinos de la agencia Reuters. Unas 230 personas han resultado heridas. Grandes ciudades como Tel Aviv, Jerusalén y Hadera son objetivo de los proyectiles de Hamás, aunque sin causar víctimas mortales
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OPT: Seven children killed so far in Israeli airstrikes over Gaza
9/juil/2014 News
Number of civilian casualties show that indiscriminate and disproportionate attack has failed to distinguish between military targets and civilians.
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