Article 37: Torture and deprivation of liberty

IRAN : Saman Naseem pourrait bénéficier d'un nouveau procès
17/juil/2015 News
Saman Naseem, condamné à mort en 2013 sur la base de déclarations extorquées sous la torture, avait été transféré à la veille de sa date d'exécution. Son sort était depuis inconnu. On sait aujourd'hui qu'il est toujours en vie, et il pourrait bénéficier d'un nouveau procès.
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BRAZIL: Lowering the age of criminal majority, and next steps for opposition movement
15/juil/2015 News
Guest writer for CRIN, Henrique de Souza, from the Brazilian Bar Association, looks at the recently approved proposal to...
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UNITED STATES: Massachusetts' highest court defends corporal punishment as 'part of social fabric'
14/juil/2015 News
The justicies said it's permissible to punish a child by spanking so long as "reasonable" force is used and the child is not harmed in a lasting way. Conversely, they also emphasised the child should be protected from abuse.
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حملات: رسالة مشتركة موجهة لوزير العدل السعودي
9/juil/2015 News
أقرأ رسالة كرين المشتركة مع مؤسسات اخرى تعنى بحقوق الانسان والتي ارسلت بشأن شابين حكما بالاعدام بسبب مخالفات ارتكباها عندما كانا طفلين. 
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CAMPAIGNING: Joint letter to Saudi Arabia's Minister of Justice
9/juil/2015 News
Read the letter CRIN, together with other human rights organisations, sent concerning two young men sentenced to death for offences committed while children. 
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CHILD ABUSE: French troops suspended over Burkina Faso abuse allegations
2/juil/2015 News
Allegations include abuse of five-year-old girl, police say, and follow alleged sex abuse scandal involving French troops in Central African Republic
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PAKISTAN: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/juin/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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BARBADOS: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/juin/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA: CRC alternative report on inhuman sentencing of children
30/juin/2015 Publication
This report was submitted ahead of the the 72nd pre-sessional working group of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child...
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