United States

US: Obama can do more to get kids off the battlefield
6/oct/2014 News
[3 October 2014] - President Obama has the clout to get child soldiers off the battlefields in countries around the world....
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UNITED STATES: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
1/oct/2014 Publication
Our research indicates that people can be sentenced to life imprisonment and life imprisonment without the possibility of...
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USA: Satanists want equal access to religious information in school district
22/sep/2014 News
Self-identified Satanist group seek equal treatment after a public school discrict in Orange County, Florida allows a Christian group to pass out Bibles to its students.
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USA: Huge family detention centre to open in Texas for undocumented migrants
15/sep/2014 News
Federal officials are due to open a huge family detention centre in southern Texas that will house immigrant adults with children while they await deportation.
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HONDURAS: Child rights advocate believes root cause of child migration to USA not addressed
11/sep/2014 News
Child rights defender believes that American and Honduran political leaders only concerned with border security instead of addressing the root causes of migration.
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USA: Nine-year-old accidentally shoots and kills gun instructor
29/aoû/2014 News
Latest incident of gun violence leads to calls to review policies regarding children and automatic weapons.
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USA: Medication for foster children under new scrutiny, say doctors
26/aoû/2014 News
Investigation reveals that 1 out of 4 adolescents in California’s foster care system has received prescribed psychiatric drugs over the last decade.
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GENDER: The most outrageous ways schools are trying to enforce gender stereotypes
21/aoû/2014 News
By policing children's gender expressions, schools are ultimately reinforcing stereotypes.
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USA: Inquiry finds a ‘culture of violence’ against teenage inmates at New York's Rikers Island
5/aoû/2014 News
Inquiry finds that the civil rights of male teenagers were violated and that there was no protection given to the boys from the rampant use of unnecessary and excessive force by correction officers.
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ÉTATS-UNIS : les prisons pour mineurs de New-York gangrenées par la violence
5/aoû/2014 News
Les prisons pour jeunes délinquants à New York sont gangrenées par de la violence extrême et une sécurité défaillante, des gardiens violant fréquemment les droits des détenus adolescents, les soumettant à un «usage croissant de force excessive et inutile»
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