
TURKEY: Over 1,000 schoolchildren hospitalised after free milk fiasco
4/Mai/2012 News
Summary: Hundreds of school children are hospitalised in a number of cities across Turkey, right after they are given free...
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TURKEY: Juvenile detention centers to be replaced with new facilities for minors
25/avr/2012 News
Summary: Amid heated discussions over how to reform juvenile detention centers after allegations of serious abuse in Adana...
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TURQUIE : plus de 960 arrestations politiques en février
13/mar/2012 News
Summary: Le régime turc a arrêté plus de 960 personnes au cours du mois de février, a déclaré la Fondation des Droits de l...
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TURKEY: Ministers join forces towards child-friendly justice
1/mar/2012 News
Summary: The Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Family and Social Policies, as well as several other partners such as...
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TURKEY: Alleged sexual abuse of children in Pozantı Prison
1/mar/2012 News
[27 February 2012] - Juveniles detained because they "threw stones" during demonstrations were put in cells together with...
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TURKEY: 50 children killed by land mines, bombs in 2011
16/fév/2012 News
Summary: Since 1990, 477 children have been killed by land mines, bombs and random gunfire. ...
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TURKEY: Young people outline expectations for new constitution
6/fév/2012 News
Summary: Young people from all across Turkey joined the workshop to share their thoughts on children's rights and how to...
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