Holy See

HOLY SEE: Joint press release by CRIN and OMCT on UN torture committee's report
23/Mai/2014 News
Joint press release by CRIN and OMCT on the UN Committee against Torture's Concluding Observations of the Holy See
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HOLY SEE: Notes from the UN Committee Against Torture’s review
19/Mai/2014 News
In May 2014 the UNCAT reviewed the Holy See, and asked detailed questions about child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. Read the “unofficial minutes” produced by the World Organization Against Torture and CRIN.
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HOLY SEE: UN Panel on Torture Presses Vatican Envoy on Abuse
6/Mai/2014 News
Vatican has faced sharp questioning by UN about whether it failed to abide by an international treaty against torture in its response to the sexual abuse of children by priests.
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HOLY SEE: Joint press release by CRIN and OMCT to UN torture committee
2/Mai/2014 News
Joint press release by CRIN and OMCT ahead of the Holy See's review before the UN Committee against Torture
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Committee against Torture: 52nd Session
lun, 28/04/2014 - 09:00 Event
The 52nd Session of the Committee against Torture will take place from 28 April - 23 May 2014. States under review: Cyprus, Holy See, Lithuania, Montenegro, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Uruguay, Guinea  
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HOLY SEE: Joint submission to the UN Committee against Torture on the Holy See
16/avr/2014 Publication
This submission describes the accountability of the Holy See for the worldwide sexual abuse scandal of children by...
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SANTA SEDE: Abuso sexual de niños - análisis de la ONU
10/avr/2014 News
El Comité de la ONU de los Derechos del Niño interrogó a la Santa Sede sobre los abusos sexuales de niños dentro de la Iglesia Católica el día 16 de enero de 2014. CRIN estuvo ahí retransmitiendo en vivo desde Ginebra. 
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SANTA SEDE: El abuso sexual de niños - informe
10/avr/2014 Publication
En el informe preliminar publicado por CRIN se traza un mapa a escala mundial del abuso sexual de niños en la Iglesia Católica. 
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Pongamos fin a la violencia sexual en las instituciones religiosas
3/avr/2014 Campaign
Instamos a la realización de reformas que abran estas instituciones al examen público, impidan los encubrimientos y permitan a las víctimas el acceso a la justicia.    
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HOLY SEE: Pope adds former child victim to new commission on sex abuse cases
26/mar/2014 News
A new commission that will advise Pope Francis on sex abuse policy within the church includes an Irish psychiatrist who was assaulted by a chaplain when she was 13 years old. But it remains unclear if the commission will deal with the critical issue of disciplining bishops who cover up for abusers. 
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