Comité des droits de l'enfant : 65ème session



Couverture de la session

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Etats examinés (rapports nationaux)

Les Etats suivants verront examiné leur respect de :

  • La Convention relative aux droits de l'enfant (CDE)


National Coalition for the Implementation of the UNCRC in Germany

NGO Commentaries on the written reply of the Federal Government of Germany to the List of Issues of the 3rd and 4th periodic report of Germany (en anglais)

- National Coalition for the Implementation of the UNCRC in Germany

Supplementary Report of the National Coalition to the 3rd and 4th Report of Germany to the UN CRC (en anglais)

- National Coalition for the Implementation of the UNCRC in Germany

NGO1 Commentaries on the written reply of the Federal Government of Germany (en anglais)

 - Federal association for unaccompanied refugee minors (Bundesfachverband UMF)

Supplementary Report on the 3rd and 4th Periodic Report of Germany to the UN CRC (en anglais)

 - German Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers

Shadow Report Child Soldiers 2013 (en anglais)

- German Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers

Shadow Report Child Soldiers 2013 (en allemand)

- Terre des Hommes - Allemagne

Between Fear and Hope – Child Soldiers as Refugees in Germany (en anglais)

- Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

 Briefing On Germany For The Committee On The Rights Of The Child, Pre-sessional Working Group (en anglais)

- International Disability Alliance

Joint DPO submission on Germany Pre-Sessional Working Group, CRC Committee (en anglais)



- Réseau des intervenants sur le phénomène des enfants en rupture (REIPER)

Rapport Supplementaire Au Rapport National (2000-2010) Sur L’application De La Convention Relative Aux Droits De L’enfant En Republique Du Congo (en français)

- Réseau des intervenants sur le phénomène des enfants en rupture (REIPER)

Rapport Supplementaire Au Rapport National (2000-2010) Sur L’application De La Convention Relative Aux Droits De L’enfant En Republique Du Congo (en anglais)

- Observatoire Congolais des droits Humains

Entre menaces des autorités et revendications non satisfaites: les leaders syndicaux enseignants contraints de suspendre la grève (en français)

- Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

Briefing On Republic Of Congo For The Committee On The Rights Of The Child, Pre-sessional Working Group (en anglais)


Fédération de Russie

- Anti-Discrimination Centre (ADC) “Memorial”

The Situation of Children Belonging to Vulnerable Groups in Russia (en anglais)

- Coalition of Russian NGOs

Russian NGOs’ “Alternative Report – 2013” (AR-2013) (en anglais)

- Coming Out

The situation of LGBT Children and Children of LGBT Families in St. Petersburg, Russia ( en anglais)

- Russian association of indigenous peoples of the North (RAIPON)

Parallel Information: Children belonging to the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation (en anglais)

- Russian LGBT Network

NGO Alternative Report 2013 for the UN CRC Committee - Commentary to the 4th and 5th Periodic Report by the Russian Federation (en anglais)

- Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

Briefing On Russian Federation For The Committee On The Rights Of The Child, Pre-sessional Working Group (en anglais)

- Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch Submission to the CRC Committee on Russia (en anglais)

- Coming Out

Implementation of the UN CRC Convention in Russia: Additional and updated information (en anglais)

- Coalition of Russian NGOs

Comments to Russia’s answers to the CRC’s additional Lists of Issues presented to Russia in July 2013 (en anglais)





Alternative Report To the Third and Fourth Periodic Reports of Portugal (en anglais)

- Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

 Briefing On Portugal For The Committee On The Rights Of The Child, Pre-Sessional Working Group (en anglais)



- Center for Constitutional Rights

Fighting for the Future: Adult Survivors Work to Protect Children & End the Culture of Clergy Sexual Abuse (en anglais)

- Survivors’ voice – Europe 

Deposition to the UN CRC Committee (en anglais)

- Center for Constitutional Rights

Supplementary Submission to the UN CRC Committee in advance of its Review of the Holy See during its 65th session(en anglais)

- Survivors’ voice - Europe

Why victims of Catholic Clergy Sex Crimes are not receiving justice in Australia (en anglais)

- Survivors’ voice - Europe

Condensed timeline re Fr. Brendan Smyth (en anglais)

- Survivors’ voice - Europe

Time Line re Fr. Brendan Smyth (en anglais)


- Equality Now

Equality Now Submission in advance to the CRC Committee's discussion of Yemen (65th session) (en anglais)

- The Yemen NGO coalition for the rights of the child

The Fourth Alternative Report about the situation of children in Yemen (en anglais)

- The Yemen NGO coalition for the rights of the child

The Fourth Alternative Report about the situation of children in Yemen (en arabe)

- Democracy School

Children Parliament CRC Second Alternative Report with focus on the impact of 2011 civil unrests and conflicts in Yemen

- Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

Briefing On Yemen For The Committee On The Rights Of The Child, Pre-sessional Working Group


CRC - Rapports d'enfants


- National Coalition for the Implementation of the UNCRC in Germany

First Children's and Young People's Report on UN Reporting on the Implementation of the CRC in Germany en anglais)


  • The Optional Protocol to the CRC on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (OPSC)


- ECPAT Germany

Supplementary Report to the First National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the implementation of the OPSC

- ECPAT Germany

ECPAT Commentaries on the written reply of the Federal Government of Germany to the List of Issues concerning the OPSC


  • Le Protocole facultatif à la Convention concernant l'implication d'enfants dans les conflits armés (OPAC)


Fédération de Russie

- TRIAL (Swiss Association Against Impunity)

Russian Federation: Initial Report of the Implementation of the OPAC (en anglais)



- Child Soldiers International

Report to the CRC Committee in advance to the Yemen's initial periodic report on the OPAC (en anglais)



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    Please note that these reports are hosted by CRIN as a resource for Child Rights campaigners, researchers and other interested parties. Unless otherwise stated, they are not the work of CRIN and their inclusion in our database does not necessarily signify endorsement or agreement with their content by CRIN.