Work situations

ARGENTINA: State bans all corporal punishment of children
8/oct/2014 News
Argentina has become the 41st State globally, and the seventh in Latin America, to ban all forms of corporal punishment against children. 
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VIOLENCE : Les enfants victimes d'une violence omniprésente selon un rapport de l'UNICEF
8/sep/2014 News
Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance a publié de nouvelles données révélant l'ampleur des sévices physiques, sexuels et psychologiques que subissent les enfants à travers le monde.
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VIOLENCE: Children suffering "endemic" violence globally - UN report
5/sep/2014 News
New and unprecedented data from UN shows violence against children is tolerated and accepted as normal in many parts of the world.
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SEXUAL ABUSE: Charity accused of failing to investigate historical child abuse claims
23/juil/2014 News
A woman who complained sixteen years ago to the Salvation Army in England of being abused by charity personnel in the 1970s now wants an inquiry.
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CHILD LABOUR: ILO says social protection essential to help eradicate child labour
12/juin/2014 News
On World Day Against Child Labour, the ILO calls on governments to step up their efforts to extend social protection in order to help keep children out of child labour.
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