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ЮНИСЕФ: В Молдове более половины детей воспитаны путем насилия
24/oct/2014 News
Республика Молдова заняла 32-е место из 56 стран по количеству детей, подвергающихся физическому или психологическому...
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ARGENTINA: State bans all corporal punishment of children
8/oct/2014 News
Argentina has become the 41st State globally, and the seventh in Latin America, to ban all forms of corporal punishment against children. 
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CAPE VERDE: Country becomes sixth African state to prohibit all corporal punishment of children
3/oct/2014 News
Cape Verde has joined the list of states enacting legislation which prohibits all corporal punishment of children, including within the family.
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Human Rights Council holds panel discussion on violence against children
24/sep/2014 News
The Human Rights Council held a panel discussion yesterday on "accelerating global efforts to end violence against children".
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VIOLENCE : Les enfants victimes d'une violence omniprésente selon un rapport de l'UNICEF
8/sep/2014 News
Le Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance a publié de nouvelles données révélant l'ampleur des sévices physiques, sexuels et psychologiques que subissent les enfants à travers le monde.
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VIOLENCE: Children suffering "endemic" violence globally - UN report
5/sep/2014 News
New and unprecedented data from UN shows violence against children is tolerated and accepted as normal in many parts of the world.
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CORPORAL PUNISHMENT: Exercise should never be used as punishment
19/aoû/2014 News
Physical activity, particularly exercise, is being used by teachers, sports coaches and parents to discipline children.
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BOLIVIA: State bans all corporal punishment of children
11/aoû/2014 News
The State has become the sixth Latin American country and thirty-ninth worldwide to prohibit all corporal punishment outright. 
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SPAIN: UN condemns state for negligence in murder of seven-year-old girl
7/aoû/2014 News
UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) rules that negligence by authorities led to girl's murder by her father.
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SYRIA: Child marriage soars among Syrian refugees in Jordan
18/juil/2014 News
Girls who have fled Syria's civil war are increasingly vulnerable to exploitation, domestic violence and poverty, warns the UN.
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