Case concerning jurisdiction under the Alien Tort Statute over genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and racial discrimination committed in Papua New Guinea.
Case concerning corporate liability as an accessory to state perpetrated human rights violations and crimes against humanity during the second Sudanese civil war.
Il avait révélé le scandale des abus sexuels sur des mineurs commis par des Casques bleus en Centrafrique : Anders Kompass démissionne de son poste de directeur des opérations de terrain du Haut-commissariat des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme.
New CRIN discussion paper examines the use and worth of age thresholds in the context of a number of contentious children’s rights issues. The paper exposes how minimum ages can be inconsistent, discriminatory and arbitrary.
The freedoms set out in the two Covenants are universal; they apply to everyone, everywhere. Children are no exception, they have all human rights. But children’s freedoms are rarely a priority; the ability to think freely, act and speak is too often denied for children all over the world.