Family and alternative care

SANTÉ : Rescapés d'Ebola, des milliers d'enfants vont devoir vivre sans famille
8/Oct/2014 News
L'épidémie d'Ebola en Afrique de l'Ouest condamne des milliers d'orphelins à une existence en quarantaine bien après avoir échappé au virus, la stigmatisation et la peur l'emportant trop souvent sur les traditionnelles solidarités familiales.
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ALBANIA: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
30/Sep/2014 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National report', the 'Compilation of UN information' and the 'Summary of stakeholder information'. Once the ‘recommendations’ have been accepted or rejected by the State, these will subsequently be published here.  
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NORWAY: Children's Rights References in the Universal Periodic Review
30/Sep/2014 Publication
A compilation of extracts featuring child-rights issues from the reports submitted to the second Universal Periodic Review. There are extracts from the 'National Report', the 'Compilation of UN Information' and the 'Summary of Stakeholder's Information'. Once the 'recommendations' have been accepted or rejected by the State, these will subsequently be published here.
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URUGUAY: Visita in situ de la Relatora de Derechos de la Niñez de la CIDH
22/Sep/2014 News
La Relatoría expresó su posición crítica respecto de la propuesta para bajar la edad de imputabilidad penal de 18 a 16 años.
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MOLDOVA: The plight of Moldova's orphanage children
19/Sep/2014 News
More than 7,000 children have been placed in state-run institutions in Europe's poorest country, Moldova, and only 2% are orphans.
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