Children in vulnerable situations

Right to work and the implementation of the SDGs: CRIN's submission for the OHCHR report
10/Oct/2017 Publication
In this submission we discuss how imposing a blanket ban on all child work without addressing the economic conditions...
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Доступ к правосудию для детей в учреждениях институциональной опеки
9/Oct/2017 Guide Section
Руководство, в котором подробно излагаются юридические и практические инструменты, доступные для прекращения нарушений прав детей в учреждениях интернатного типа, а также предоставляется информация о возмещении вреда.
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CZECH REPUBLIC: First steps taken on ending anti-Roma discrimination in schools
13/Sep/2017 Publication
In 1999, D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic became the first case in Czech history to seek an end to anti-Roma discrimination in education.
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ЧЕХИЯ: Первый шаг на пути к искоренению дискриминации детей рома в школах
12/Sep/2017 Publication
В 1999 году дело D.H. стало первым в чешской истории, бросившим вызов дискриминационной практике сегрегации детей рома в школах страны.  
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ليبيا- أكثر من نصف مليون طفل بحاجة للمساعدة الإنسانية
11/Aug/2017 News
طرابلس، 9 آب/أغسطس 2017- "أكثر من 550,000 طفل في ليبيا يحتاجون للمساعدة بسبب عدم الاستقرار السياسي واستمرار النزاع والنزوح...
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The Christian Institute and others v. The Lord Advocate (Scotland)
Thu, 28/07/2016 - 17:00 Instrument
Case concerning legislation that provided for the sharing of private information between public agencies to promote the well-being of children.
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A v. Hoare
Wed, 30/01/2008 - 12:45 Instrument
Case concerning limitation periods for child sexual abuse.
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CHILDREN IN INSTITUTIONS: CRIN's submission for the draft General Comment of the CRPD on article 19
5/Jul/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission on the proposed draft general comment No. 5 by the UN Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities (CRPD), on article 19 of the Convention.
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UKRAINE: State had no right to remove children of blind parents
28/Jun/2017 Publication
Two blind parents argued against the removal of their seven children and claimed that the authorities were obliged to provide financial support to help them, all the way up to the European Court of Human Rights.
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