Educational materials

Hazardous Child Labour
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: This publication contains four flexible lesson plans. Standards by the National Council for the Social Studies...
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Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: This publication contains four flexible lesson plans. Standards by the National Council for the Social Studies...
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Child Soldiers
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: This publication contains four flexible lesson plans. Standards by the National Council for the Social Studies...
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Stop Child Labour Poster
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: Campaign materials such as the Stop Child Labour poster are being used for sensitisation and awarenesss in the...
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Tsunami Secondary Lesson Ideas
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: A school activity file containing primary curriculum uses introducing the disaster to pupils aged 11 to 16 (key...
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Tsunami Primary Lesson Ideas
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: A school activity file containing primary curriculum uses introducing the disaster to pupils aged 5-11 (key...
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Young Lives, Global Goals: Children, poverty and the MDGs (resource pack)
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: Resource pack for teachers on children, poverty and the UN Millennium Development Goals....
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"Hotel Rwanda" Teacher's Guide
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: This teacher's guide accompanies the MGM production "Hotel Rwanda." The teacher's guide includes a brief...
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Toolbox for the Humanitarian Movement
25/Jun/2010 Publication
Summary: In November 2004 a workshop on "Humanitarian Principles revisited through new approaches" was organised by Jean...
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