Conference Report

Building peace out of war: Children and Young People as Agents of Peace
22/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: Save the Children Norway organised a seminar during the Childhoods 2005 conference in Oslo in July. 15 children...
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France: Rapport de la Conférence nationale de la Famille 2005
3/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: La Conférence de la Famille 2005, qui s'est réunie le 22 septembre à l'Hôtel Matignon sous la présidence du...
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Final Declaration and Recommendations of the International Summit on Children, Poverty and Violence
2/Feb/2006 Publication
Summary: The Final Declaration provides guidelines to improving the situation of children.The Final Declaration and...
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La responsabilité de protéger les enfants : une priorité en matière de politique internationale
30/Jan/2006 Publication
Summary: En juin 2004, des représentants d'ONG canadiennes et des fonctionnaires du gouvernement ont participé à une...
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The Responsibility to Protect Children: An International Policy Priority
30/Jan/2006 Publication
Summary: Outcome document from the June 2004 civil society-government consultation on children and armed conflict,...
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International Conference ''Kids Behind Bars'' - Report
30/Dec/2005 Publication
Summary: The International Conference “Kids Behind Bars – A child rights perspective” held in June 2005 in Bethlehem...
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South Asia Regional Consultation on Sexual Exploitation of Children: Conference Summary
20/Dec/2005 Publication
Summary: The South Asia regional consultation evaluated progress made in this region since the First World Congress...
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Responsibility to Protect Children in Emergencies (Conference papers)
22/Nov/2005 Publication
Summary: On 2nd November 2005, Save the Children Denmark organised a conference on the “Responsibility to Protect Children...
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MENA: Final Outcome Report from Regional Consultation
24/Oct/2005 Publication
Summary: This report was prepared by the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood. Drafts of this report were...
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Pacific Consultation on Violence Against Children
24/Oct/2005 Publication
Summary: The Pacific region held a sub-regional Consultation on Violence against Children in Fiji from 26 until 28...
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