ENOC news

Ms. Leda Koursoumba took over the Chairmanship of ENOC
26/Oct/2012 News
Today, the 16th ENOC General Assembly took place in the Hilton Nicosia Hotel in Cyprus. During the General Assembly...
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ENOC Chair calls the UN CRC to pay special attention to the situation of Syrian children
19/Sep/2012 News
Summary: In a letter sent to the Chair of the UN CRC, Mr. Jean Zermatten, the ENOC Chair calls the Committee to pay...
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ENOC Chair elect represented ENOC at a Council of Europe meeting on 'Monitoring Childen's Rights in Europe'
17/Jul/2012 News
Summary: On 3-4 July 2012, the Council of Europe held an expert meeting to discuss how to make existing CoE and UN ...
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The term of Norway's Ombudsman for Children, Mr. Reidar Hjermann, comes to end
21/Jun/2012 News
Summary: Mr. Reidar Hjermann steps down today after an eight year term as Ombudsman for Children in Norway.On behalf of...
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The Office of the Defensor del Menor en la Comunidad de Madrid is closed down
21/Jun/2012 News
Summary: The Office of the Children's Defender in the community of Madrid, Spain will be closed down as of June 30th due...
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Russia adopted a New National Strategy for Children for the period 2012-2017
21/Jun/2012 News
Summary: With Executive Order # 761 of June 1st, 2012, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, approved...
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Norway has a new Ombudsman for Children
13/Jun/2012 News
Summary: Dr. Anne Lindboe, a pediatrician, succeeds to Mr. Reidar Hjermann for a six year (renewable) term as Norway's...
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ENYA e-forum re-activated
15/May/2012 News
Summary: ENYA-The European Network of Young Advisors-has again the opportunity to discuss via an e-forum a number of...
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ENOC Chair elect participated in the Copenhagen Conference on children's rights and the prevention of poverty
4/May/2012 News
Summary: The Danish Presidency of the European Council 2012 in collaboration with the European Commission and the...
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