Constitution of the Russian Federation

Read full Constitution here.

Sections relating to children:

Article 7
1. The Russian Federation is a social State whose policy is aimed at creating conditions for a worthy life and a free development of man.
2. In the Russian Federation the labour and health of people shall be protected, a guaranteed minimum wages and salaries shall be established, state support ensured to the family, maternity, paternity and childhood, to disabled persons and the elderly, the system of social services developed, state pensions, allowances and other social security guarantees shall be established.

Article 38
1. Maternity and childhood, and the family shall be protected by the State.
2. Care for children, their upbringing shall be equally the right and obligation of parents.
3. Able-bodied children over 18 years of age shall take care of disabled parents.

Article 39
1. Everyone shall be guaranteed social security at the expense of the State in old age, in case of an illness, disableness, loss of the bread-winner, for upbringing of children and in other cases established by law.
2. State pensions and social allowances shall be established by law.
3. Promotion shall be given to voluntary social insurance and the creation of additional forms of social security and charity.

Article 43
1. Everyone shall have the right to education.
2. Guarantees shall be provided for general access to and free pre-school, secondary and high vocational education in state or municipal educational establishments and at enterprises.
3. Everyone shall have the right to receive on a competitive basis a free higher education in a state or municipal educational establishment and at an enterprise.
4. The basic general education shall be free of charge. Parents or persons in law parents shall enable their children to receive a basic general education.
5. The Russian Federation shall establish federal state educational standards and support various forms of education and self-education.

Article 72
1. The joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the subjects of the Russian Federation includes:
a. providing for the correspondence of the constitutions and laws of the Republics, the charters and other normative legal acts of the territories, regions, cities of federal importance, autonomous regions or autonomous areas to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the federal laws;
b. protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen; protection of the rights of national minorities; ensuring the rule of law, law and order, public security, border zone regime;
c. issues of possession, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other natural resources;
d. delimitation of state property;
e. nature utilization, protection of the environment and ensuring ecological safety; specially protected natural territories, protection of historical and cultural monuments;
f. general issues of upbringing, education, science, culture, physical culture and sports;
g. coordination of issues of health care; protection of the family, maternity, paternity and childhood; social protection, including social security;
h. carrying out measures against catastrophes, natural calamities, epidemics, elimination of their aftermath;
i. establishment of common principles of taxation and dues in the Russian Federation;
j. administrative, administrative procedure, labour, family, housing, land, water, and forest legislation; legislation on subsoil and environmental protection
k. personnel of the judicial and law enforcement agencies; the Bar, notaryship;
l. protection of traditional living habitat and of traditional way of life of small ethnic communities;
m. establishment of common principles of organization of the system of bodies of state authority and local self-government;
n. coordination of international and foreign economic relations of the subjects of the Russian Federation, fulfillment of international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.
2. Provisions of this Article shall be equally valid for the Republics, territories, regions, cities of federal importance, autonomous regions or autonomous areas.




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