Committee on the Rights of the Child: 61st session

Summary: The Committee on the Rights of the Child will hold its 61st Session from 17 September to 5 October 2012. Below are full details on the session, including the list of alternative reports submitted by NGOs.

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N.B This message is to inform you that the 61st Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child has been moved to the Salle de Conseil at the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva.

States under Review

Below is a list of States scheduled to be reviewed during the 61st session.

The following States will be reviewed on the progress they are making in implementing the provisions of the CRC:

  • Albania    Andorra    Austria    Namibia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina    Liberia    Canada

The following States will be reviewed under the OPSC:

  • Albania    Philippines    Canada

The following States will be reviewed under the OPAC:

  • Albania

Session Outcomes

The Concluding Observations will be released at the end of the session. In the meantime, you can read summary reports of the reviews on the OHCHR website. Click here.

State Reports

Reports submitted by governments to the Committee on the Rights of the Child will become available in English, French and Spanish on the website of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Word and PDF formats.

Alternative Reports

Alternative Reports submitted on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC):




Bosnia & Herzegovina



  • Coalition des Organisations de la Défense des Droits de l’Enfant en Guinée Bissau (CODEDIC-GB)
    Submission to the Committee (in French / in English)



Alternative Reports submitted on the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography (OPSC):




Alternative Reports submitted on the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (OPAC):

- No reports submitted

NGO participation

For guidance on how to report to the CRC, download:

Or contact:

Some of the sessions were made available online via a webcast.

Further Information


Please note that these reports are hosted by CRIN as a resource for Child Rights campaigners, researchers and other interested parties. Unless otherwise stated, they are not the work of CRIN and their inclusion in our database does not necessarily signify endorsement or agreement with their content by CRIN.