
Inside the Home, Outside the Law: Abuse of Child Domestic Workers in Morocco
20/Dec/2005 Publication
Summary: Tens of thousands of girls working as domestics in Morocco face physical and psychological abuse as well as...
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PHILIPPINES: National anti-child trafficking campaign launched (8 December 2005)
14/Dec/2005 News
Summary: ECPAT Philippines along with advocates and development workers launched a weeklong national anti-child...
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Journée mondiale pour la prévention des abus envers les enfants: la pédophilie en question
7/Dec/2005 Publication
Summary: Le présent article se veut stimulateur d’une prise de conscience du Congolais et de tous les Africains sur la...
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Annan calls for ‘zero tolerance’ on International Day for Abolition of Slavery (2 December 2005)
6/Dec/2005 News
Summary: Despite centuries of struggle, slavery has not been completely eradicated from the world and those responsible...
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Etude sur le trafic et le travail domestique des enfants en Guinée
2/Dec/2005 Publication
Summary: Le rapport final de cette Etude a été financé par Anti-Slavery International et a été validé à Conakry, le 24...
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Anti-Slavery Award 2005
Tue, 29/11/2005 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Cecilia Flores-Oebanda, President and Director of the Visayan Forum, is this year's Anti-Slavery Award winner for...
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INDIA: Rising sexual exploitation as selective abortion makes girls a rarity (20 November 2005)
22/Nov/2005 News
Summary: Religious and cultural views that place a higher value on males, coupled with technology that makes it possible...
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NIGERIA: 15 Million Children Toil in Slavery (18 November 2005)
22/Nov/2005 News
Summary: NAPTIP (the National Agency for Prohibition and Trafficking in Persons and Other Related Matters) has disclosed...
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The Price of Childhood: on the link between prices paid to farmers and the use of child labour in cottonseed production in Andhra Pradesh, India
1/Nov/2005 Publication
Summary: Multinational and Indian seed companies are paying Indian farmers who are producing their cotton seed almost 40%...
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Camel Jockeys of Rahimyar Khan: Findings of a participatory research on the life and situation of child camel jockeys
22/Sep/2005 Publication
Summary: The information collected from children for this research gives us a detailed account of the situation which the...
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