Provision of services (health, education etc.)

ARGENTINA: Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires deberá otorgarle vacante a un niño
22/Jul/2014 News
Su madre lo había inscripto en el jardín de infantes a través de la web oficial pero se quedó sin lugar. 
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CANADA: School board drops abstinence-based sex ed after student complaint
15/Jul/2014 News
The complaint alleged that the school board's sex ed curriculum promoted Christian-based views and painted a skewed picture of contraception and STIs. 
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DERECHO A LA INFORMACIÓN: 'Acceso denegado - Protejamos los derechos desbloqueando el acceso a la información'
2/Jul/2014 News
[18 de Junio de 2014] - La censura que bloquea el acceso de niños a información sobre sexo, drogas, política y otras...
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Concluding Observations for Jordan’s First Report on the OPSC
27/Jun/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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Concluding Observations for Jordan's Fourth and Fifth Periodic Reports
27/Jun/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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Concluding Observations for Indonesia's Third and Fourth Periodic Reports
26/Jun/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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Concluding Observations for India’s First Report on the OPSC
26/Jun/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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Concluding Observations for India's Third and Fourth Periodic Reports
26/Jun/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
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RIGHT TO INFORMATION: 'Access Denied - Protect rights, unblock children’s access to information'
18/Jun/2014 News
Censorship violates human rights and puts children in danger, says new CRIN policy paper.
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УКРАИНА: В Донецкой области ранили уже 7 детей
30/May/2014 News
Начиная с 9 мая, в Донецкой области в ходе боевых действий пострадали семь несовершеннолетних детей - об этом сообщили в...
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