Physical abuse

Watchlist report on grave violations against children in Northeastern Nigeria
14/Nov/2014 News
Watchlist on Children and Armed Conflict's report looks at how boys and girls have been forcibly recruited, detained,...
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Violence against primary school children with disabilities in Uganda: a cross-sectional study
7/Nov/2014 Publication
150 million children live with disabilities globally, and a recent systematic review found 3 to 4 times the levels of violence versus non-disabled children in high income countries. However, almost nothing is known about violence against disabled children in lower income countries. This report aim to explore the prevalence, patterns and risk factors for physical, sexual and emotional violence among disabled children attending primary school in Luwero District, Uganda.
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SYRIE : A Kobané, l'Etat islamique torture aussi les enfants
4/Nov/2014 News
Human Rights Watch a pu interroger en Turquie quatre adolescents kurdes âgés de 14 à 16 ans, détenus un temps près de Kobané, avec cent autres garçons mineurs, avant d’être relâchés sans qu’ils ne sachent pourquoi. Libération, le 4 novembre 2014.
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JAPAN: Child sex abuse victims face hurdles seeking redress in court
30/Oct/2014 News
Court awards compensation to victim of child sexual abuse despite expiry of statute of limitations.
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USA: Judge approves landmark settlement in Minnesota Catholic church abuse case
30/Oct/2014 News
Catholic church leaders accused of creating public nuisance.
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MODERN SLAVERY: Tamil Nadu’s exploited garment workers need help from British justice
29/Oct/2014 News
Report highlights conditions of modern slavery in Indian mills, and that the abused workers should have recourse to UK courts.
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AFGHANISTAN: Prison sentence for religious teacher who raped girl
28/Oct/2014 News
A mullah who raped a 10-year-old girl in his mosque in Afghanistan has been sentenced to 20 years in prison.
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"At 12 years, a slave… children in forced labour"
23/Oct/2014 Publication
The research report by Terre des Hommes on forced child labour, which was published on the 12th of June 2014, can be found...
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INDIA: 15 year old boy from Dalit minority lynched and burnt alive
23/Oct/2014 News
Boy from a lower caste was tortured then killed because his goat had strayed onto an upper caste man's field.
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