Judicial use of physical punishment

YEMEN: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
8/Mar/2011 Publication
Summary: Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Yemen. It is unlawful to sentence child...
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NIGERIA: Inhuman Sentencing of Children
8/Mar/2011 Publication
Summary: Report detailing the legality of inhuman sentencing against children in Nigeria. The laws differ in relation to...
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LIBYA: International court to investigate Gaddafi regime for crimes against humanity
3/Mar/2011 News
Summary: International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, will present an overview of the alleged crimes...
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VIOLENCE: Manual on campaigning to prohibit and eliminate corporal punishment
18/Jan/2011 Publication
Summary: This Campaigns Manual guides and supports child rights advocates in challenging the legality and practice of...
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CONDENA BRUTAL: Sudán sentencia a muerte a cuatro niños
3/Dec/2010 News
Summary: Sudán ha condenado a muerte a cinco menores. Junto a él, son varios los países del mundo que mantienen la pena...
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INHUMAN SENTENCING: Questionnaire for Country Reports
25/Nov/2010 Publication
Summary: This questionnaire concerns the legality of judicial sentencing of persons under 18 to corporal punishment, life...
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GLOBAL: From Commitment to Action - what Religious Communities can do to Eliminate Violence Against Children
16/Nov/2010 Publication
Summary: This guide, produced jointly by UNICEF and Religions for Peace, aims to help religious communities harness their...
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