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LIBERTÉ D'EXPRESSION : le rapporteur spécial de l'ONU publie un rapport sur la liberté d'expression des enfants
29/Oct/2014 Publication
Ce rapport examine le droit des enfants à la liberté d'expression et à l'accès à l'information, en s'inquiétant de l’adoption de différentes mesures de restriction de l’information au nom de la soi-disant protection des enfants.
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FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: Child rights-focused report by the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression
28/Oct/2014 Publication
The report examines children’s right to freedom of expression and access to information, while noting with concern the adoption of various restrictive measures allegedly aimed at protecting children from harmful information. 
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DIGITAL MEDIA: Towards a charter for children's rights in the digital context
7/Sep/2014 UN and Regional Documentation
CRIN's submission to the Committee on the Rights of the Child's 2014 Day of General Discussion on digital media and children's rights.
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CANADA: School board drops abstinence-based sex ed after student complaint
15/Jul/2014 News
The complaint alleged that the school board's sex ed curriculum promoted Christian-based views and painted a skewed picture of contraception and STIs. 
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DERECHO A LA INFORMACIÓN: 'Acceso denegado - Protejamos los derechos desbloqueando el acceso a la información'
2/Jul/2014 News
[18 de Junio de 2014] - La censura que bloquea el acceso de niños a información sobre sexo, drogas, política y otras...
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PRIVACY: How 'over-sharenting' can harm your children
1/Jul/2014 News
An article about parents sharing information about their children on-line and children's right to privacy.
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RIGHT TO INFORMATION: 'Access Denied - Protect rights, unblock children’s access to information'
18/Jun/2014 News
Censorship violates human rights and puts children in danger, says new CRIN policy paper.
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