Environment and habitat

Les droits de l'enfant et les substances toxiques
21/Dec/2018 Publication
Les droits des enfants de vivre, apprendre et grandir au sein d’un environnement physique qui respecte la santé, le divertissement et l’éducation sont quotidiennement violés par les substances toxiques, en particulier celles contenues dans l’air, l’eau, le sol et les biens de consommation, qui nuisent à la santé de millions d’enfants à travers le monde. Cette note présente les causes et l’étendue du problème, et propose une approche qui vise à assurer des réparations et une prévention efficaces.  
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ملخص: حقوق الطفل والمواد السامة
22/Nov/2018 Publication
تنتهك حقوق الأطفال في الحياة والتعلم والنمو يومياً بسبب المواد السامة - خاصةً في الهواء والماء والتربة والمنتجات الاستهلاكية. يوضح هذا الملخص أسباب المشكلة ومداها، ويقدم مقترحات للعلاج والوقاية الفعالة.
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Briefing: Children's rights and toxics
15/Oct/2018 Publication
Children's rights to live, learn and grow are violated daily by toxic substances – especially in the air, water, soil, and consumer products. This briefing outlines the causes and extent of the problem, and proposes an approach towards effective remedy and prevention.
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HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: CRIN's submission on the draft guidelines of the Special Rapporteur
13/Nov/2017 Publication
This submission was made to inform the Special Rapporteur's guidelines on Human Rights and the Environment. While...
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CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: CRIN's submission for the Special Rapporteur's report
15/Sep/2017 Publication
This submission was made to provide input on the report of the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment's...
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TOXICS AND HUMAN RIGHTS: CRIN's submission for the SR's guide on good practices
15/May/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission for the forthcoming guide on good practices of the Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights.
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WATER AND TOXICS: CRIN's submission to SR on water and sanitation
10/Apr/2017 Publication
CRIN's submission for the forthcoming report of the Special Rapporteur on water and sanitation. 
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КАЗАХСТАН: Болезнь детей на фоне переселения из "обморочного" села
1/Feb/2017 News
Жители села Березовка Западно-Казахстанской области, где в конце 2014 года произошло массовое отравление школьников,...
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