Death penalty

PAKISTAN: Government suspends Shafqat Hussain's execution
6/Jan/2015 News
Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan announced the government’s intention of halting the impending execution on Monday.
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PAKISTAN : le gouvernement suspend l'exécution de Shafqat Hussain
6/Jan/2015 News
Le gouvernement pakistanais a décidé de suspendre l'exécution d'un homme condamné à l'âge de 14 ans et jugé à l'époque par un tribunal anti-terroriste.
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PAKISTAN : exécution imminente d'un jeune arrêté et torturé à 15 ans
23/Dec/2014 News
La date d'exécution de Shafqat Hussain est fixée aujourd'hui. Il était âgé de 15 ans au moment où les crimes pour lesquels il a été reconnu coupable ont été commis. Signer la pétition.
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PAKISTAN: Man tortured into manslaughter ‘confession’ at 15 among those set for execution
18/Dec/2014 News
Shafqat Hussain is among a group of prisoners in Pakistan facing imminent execution.
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IRAN: Alleged juvenile offender among ten hunger strikers threatened with immediate execution
17/Dec/2014 News
Saman Naseem was 17 years old at the time of his alleged offence. He says he has been tortured in detention and forced to “confess”.
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CRIN STATEMENT: Extreme concern about call for reintroduction of the death penalty for children in Egypt
12/Dec/2014 News
The Child Rights International Network (CRIN) has become aware of a statement made by Mahmoud al-Badawi, Chairman of the...
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MALDIVES: UPR submission on inhuman sentencing of children
1/Oct/2014 Publication
Our research indicates that corporal punishment and the death penalty are lawful sentences for persons under 18 and that...
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CEDEAO : le Nigéria viole la Charte africaine des droits et du bien-être de l'enfant
30/Sep/2014 News
Maimuna, jeune maman, va-t-elle échapper à la pendaison ? Parce qu'elle était mineure au moment des faits, la justice de la Cedeao estime que sa condamnation à mort est une violation de ses droits.
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DEATH PENALTY: At high-level event, UN officials call for end to death penalty
26/Sep/2014 News
UN officials declare the continuing application of capital punishment to be a “primitive” practice which has no place in the 21st century.
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