Teenage blogger Lee Kuan Yew, who was convicted of obscenity and insulting Christianity after he posted a video criticising the late leader Lee Kuan Yew, will be detained for two weeks in a mental health institute until a psychiatric assessment is performed, a court has decided.
Statement by civil society organisations calling on the government of Brazil to refrain from adopting the draft constitutional reform bill proposing to lower the age of criminal majority from 18 to 16 years of age.
The findings are part of a report documenting widespread physical, cultural and sexual abuse at government-sponsored residential schools run mostly by churches that Indian, Inuit and other indigenous children were forced to attend.
Le parquet nigérian a abandonné mercredi les poursuites contre une adolescente de 15 ans accusée d'avoir empoisonné son mari de plus de vingt ans son aîné avec de la mort aux rats.