Children and the media

РОССИЯ: Власти хотят ограничить доступ детей к публичным сетям Wi-Fi
8/Oct/2012 News
Summary: RUSSIA: Ministry wants to shield children from public Wi-Fi (Russian)...
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Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR): Session 49
Mon, 12/11/2012 - 00:00 Event
Summary: The 49th Session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights will take place from 12 - 30 November...
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УКРАИНА: Совет Европы обеспокоен законом о запрете пропаганды гомосексуализма
4/Oct/2012 News
Summary: UKRAINE: Council of Europe concerned about anti-gay bill in Ukraine (Russian)...
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Human Rights Council - Session 21
Mon, 10/09/2012 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Full details of the 21th Session of the Human Rights Council, due to take place from 12 - 30 September 2012,...
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КЫРГЫЗСТАН: По стопам России - готовится законопроект о защите детей от "вредной" информации
24/Sep/2012 News
Summary: KYRGYZSTAN: Plans to adopt draft law against information 'harmful' to children, just a weeks after similar law...
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АЗЕРБАЙДЖАН: Президент уточнил полномочия организаций, ответственных за соблюдение прав детей
14/Sep/2012 News
Summary: AZERBAIJAN: President to clarify the authority of organizations responsible for children's rights (Russian)...
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MIGRANT CHILDREN: Details of the 2012 Day of General Discussion
12/Sep/2012 News
Summary: The theme for the 2012 Day of General Discussion, to be held on 28 September 2012 in Geneva, will be the rights...
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