Child friendly justice

SAN MARINO: Lawmakers prohibit all corporal punishment of children
10/Nov/2014 News
San Marino has become the latest State to achieve prohibition of all corporal punishment of children in 2014.
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UNITED KINGDOM: Changing the way the police treat teens in custody
7/Nov/2014 Publication
17-year-olds occupy a strange place in English law. They can't drink or get married without their parent's consent, but the moment they enter police custody, they are treated like an adult. This is the story of one London teenager who looked to challenge this legal anomaly in the High Court, and the campaign he helped set in motion.
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BENIN : Les droits de l'enfant dans les rapports des organes des traités de l'ONU
4/Nov/2014 Publication
Résumé : Ce rapport est une compilation des extraits liés aux droits de l’enfant dans les rapports et procédures de suivi...
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Call for UN study on children deprived of liberty
4/Nov/2014 News
In March 2014 a number of civil society organisations - including CRIN - launched a campaign to call for a UN Global Study...
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EXHIBITION: Rights, Not Charity
16/Oct/2014 News
Child Rights International Network has teamed up with the artist Miriam Sugranyes to put together a new exhibition at London's Southbank Centre celebrating 25 years of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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6th Annual Conference of the International Juvenile Justice Observatory
Wed, 03/12/2014 - 08:00 Event
The Sixth International Conference OIJJ theme will be: "The deprivation of liberty of children ultimately Towards policies on alternatives, based on proven facts." 
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VIème Conférence Internationale de l'Observatoire International de Justice Juvénile
Wed, 03/12/2014 - 08:00 Event
La VIème Conférence Internationale de l’OIJJ aura pour thème : « La privation de la liberté des enfants en dernier ressort : Vers des politiques relatives aux alternatives, basées sur des faits prouvés ».
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