5. Systematic monitoring – data collection and evaluation

ISRAEL: UN officials accused of bowing to Israeli pressure over children's rights list
18/Mar/2015 News
UN officials accused of caving in to Israeli pressure to abandon moves to include the state’s armed forces on a UN list of serious violators of children’s rights.
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CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Report on the status of the right to education
17/Mar/2015 News
Organisations and individuals are invited to submit relevant information for the upcoming report by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNICEF.
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PAKISTAN: Man sentenced to death at the age of 16 due to be executed in Karachi
4/Mar/2015 News
Muhammad Afzal, who spent 16 years in prison after receiveing his death sentence in 1999 by an anti-terrorism court, will be hanged on 05 March 2015. 
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الاطفال اللاجئون في خلاف مع القانون في محافظة بيت لحم
26/Feb/2015 Publication
دراسة مشتركة قامت بها الشبكة الدولية لحقوق الطفل-كرين ومؤسسة شروق حول الاطفال اللاجئين في نزاع مع القانون في محافظة بيت لحم
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تقرير عالمي: التقرير السنوي لامنستي 2014-2015
26/Feb/2015 Publication
كان عام 2014 عام دمار لمن سعوا إلى رفع راية حقوق الإنسان والدفاع عنها، ولمن حاصرتهم ضروب المعاناة في مناطق الحروب.
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Refugee children in conflict with the law in Bethlehem
26/Feb/2015 Publication
Joint CRIN-Shoruq study on refugee children in conflict with the law in Bethlehem.
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GLOBAL REPORT: Amnesty International annual report 2014/2015
25/Feb/2015 Publication
'This has been a devastating year for those seeking to stand up for human rights and for those caught up in the suffering of war zones. We must hope that, looking backward to 2014 in the years to come, what we lives through will be seen as an ultimate low point from which we rose up and created a better future.'
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NIGERIA: Seven-year-old girl kills herself and five others in suicide bombing
23/Feb/2015 News
Terrorist group Boko Haram has been suspected to be behind the third incident this year in which children have been used to carry out attacks in Nigeria.
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REPORT: Domestic violence and corporal punishment
20/Feb/2015 Publication
This briefing sets out the reasons why excluding prohibition of corporal punishment from laws on domestic violence and family protection represents a failure to properly address the issue and to fulfil obligations under international human rights law.
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AUSTRALIA: 'The Forgotten Children - national inquiry into children in immigration detention'
13/Feb/2015 Publication
This report by the Australian Human Rights Commission shows evidence of how immigration detention is harming children's mental and physical health. 
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