4. Development of permanent governmental coordination mechanisms

INDIA: Persistent violations of children's rights
17/Sep/2012 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international human rights...
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NIGER: Persistent violations of children's rights
14/Aug/2012 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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LIBAN : Les enfants libanais doublement victimes des abus sexuels
30/Jul/2012 News
Summary: « L’Orient-Le Jour » a mené l’enquête auprès de l’UPEL, seule association mandatée par l’État pour assurer la...
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KAZAKHSTAN: Persistent violations of children's rights
27/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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MAURITANIA: Persistent violations of children's rights
24/Jul/2012 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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COLOMBIA: Persistent violations of children's rights
12/Jun/2012 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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Desigualdades, migraciones, y circulación internacional de niños/as
24/May/2012 Publication
Summary: En esta oportunidad proponemos una mirada profundizadora sobre fenómenos como la migración y la adopción,...
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CHAD: Persistent violations of children's rights
18/Apr/2012 Publication
Summary: The violations highlighted are those issues raised with the State by more than one international mechanism. This...
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