3. Development of comprehensive strategies or agendas for children

Concluding Observations and Recommendations on the First Periodic Report of the Republic of South Africa
23/Jul/2013 Publication
Summary: This report compiles all mentions of children's rights in the Concluding Observations of the African Commission...
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CHILD LABOUR: Countries urged to adopt treaty to protect child domestic workers
10/Jun/2013 News
Summary: Ten leading international organisations, including CRIN, have called on governments around the globe to protect...
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World AIDS Orphan Day
Tue, 07/05/2013 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Education Support for AIDS Orphan and Less Privilege Children: Achieving Education First Initiative...
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FRANCE : Histoires d'enfants sous la plume d'une juge
15/Apr/2013 News
Summary: La magistrate Catherine Sultan publie aujourd’hui un ouvrage qui réunit souvenirs professionnels et réflexion sur...
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SYRIA: Child marriage on rise among refugees, report aid groups
12/Apr/2013 News
Summary: The desperate plight of refugees fleeing Syria’s civil war is forcing some parents to marry off their daughters...
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ISRAEL : L'UNICEF propose de renforcer la protection des enfants détenus par l'armée israélienne
11/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Le Fond des Nations Unies pour l'enfance (UNICEF) a proposé mercredi des mesures pour améliorer le traitement des...
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RUSSIA: Are efforts to help thousands of 'abandoned' children being resisted?
3/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Ambitious plans to reduce the number of orphans in Russia are running into strong institutional resistance, child...
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PAKISTAN: Battling militants' ban on polio vaccines in North Waziristan
2/Apr/2013 News
Summary: Parents and officials are going to great lengths to immunize children after militants imposed a ban on polio...
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AFRIQUE : Journée de l'enfant africain 2013
Sun, 16/06/2013 - 00:00 Event
Summary: Thème : éliminer les pratiques sociales et culturelles néfastes affectant les enfants : notre responsabilité...
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