1. The process of law reform

MOROCCO: Turning a cold shoulder to Children Sexual Exploitation (Arabic)
4/Dec/2008 News
المغرب: الاستغلال الجنسي للأطفال وسياسة التجاهل...
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EGYPT: Lawsuit against government before the African Commission (Arabic)
3/Dec/2008 News
مصر: دعوى ضد الحكومة المصرية أمام الأفريقية لحقوق الإنسان بشأن تغيير ديانة ونزع حضانة التوأم ماريو وأندرو...
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BAHRAIN: Children celebrate their day without a law to protect them (Arabic)
3/Dec/2008 News
أطفال البحرين يحتفلون بعيدهم بلا قانون يحميهم...
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From the Frontline: Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra
28/Nov/2008 News
From the Frontline: Shirin Aumeeruddy-Cziffra...
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UNICEF: World gathers to reinvigorate fight against sexual exploitation of children
26/Nov/2008 News
[RIO DE JANEIRO, 25 November 2008] - Nearly 3,000 participants from over 125 countries are in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to...
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