Summary: El objetivo de este cuestionario es crear un mapeo mundial de y una guía sobre cómo funciona el cabildeo en cada país para los defensores de los derechos de los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Por favor envía los cuestionarios rellenados a...
This 22nd annual World Report summarises human rights conditions in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide in 2011. It reflects extensive investigative work that Human Rights Watch staff has undertaken during the year, often in close...
[BUENOS AIRES, 27 January 2012] - The US government knew that Argentina’s military junta in the 1970s and ‘80s was stealing babies from leftist political prisoners who were jailed or killed in torture centers, a...
[28 de enero de 2012] - La dictadura argentina (1976-1983) contó con un encubridor en su plan para robar a los hijos de los opositores y entregarlos en adopción a familias afines: Estados Unidos.
Elliot Abrams, subsecretario de Estado...
[28 de diciembre de 2011] - Una juez argentina pidió a España en un exhorto datos sobre ministros, militares y policías que actuaron durante el franquismo, en el marco de una causa que investiga en el país...
Summary: After determining that Spain's justice system is not effectively investigating crimes committed during the Franco dictatorship, an Argentine judge has invoked the principle of universal jurisdiction for crimes against humanity and issued a...
L.N.P. v. Argentina
Judicial Body/Court:
Human Rights Committee
Communication No. 1610/2007
25 May 2007
Instruments Cited:
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Art. 7: torture, inhumane and...
Summary: The future of lawsuits brought in the U.S. and UK to address human rights abuses abroad is in jeopardy. In both the United States and United Kingdom, where many of the world's largest corporations are headquartered, it may soon get a lot...
TitleMónaco de Gallicchio and ors. v. Argentina
Court/Judicial Body:Human Rights Committee
Citation:Communication No. 400/1990
Date:2 April 1990
Instruments Cited:International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:Art. 16: recognition as a...
[8 de noviembre de 2011] - El relator especial de la ONU sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas urgió a las autoridades argentinas a redoblar esfuerzos para superar los obstáculos que privan a esas comunidades del...