[6 avril 2007] Le gouvernement érythréen a interdit la pratique des mutilations génitales féminines car elles sont douloureuses et peuvent mettre en danger la vie des femmesIl est désormais interdit de pratiquer...
[5 April] - Eritrea has banned the life-threatening practice of female circumcision, the Eritrean information ministry has said. Anybody involved in female genital mutilation (FGM) would be punished with a fine and imprisonment, it said. The move...
[8 March 2007] - Across the world today, one in every five girls of primary school age are not in school. When girls miss out, not only are they denied the chance to learn to read and write, earn a living and participate in democracy, it...
[NEW YORK/GENEVA, 11 December 2006] – Eliminating gender discrimination and empowering women will have a profound and positive impact on the survival and well-being of children, according to a new UNICEF report issued on UNICEF’s 60th...
Summary: This is a report of a field visit to Sudan carried out by Julia Gilkes (Early Childhood Consultant) and Rima Zaazaa (Educational Coordinator) in October 2002. The visit's main activity was an orientation workshop on the new ECD Manual (in...
Summary: World sanitation crisis causes millions of avoidable deaths, and contamination from human waste is largely to blame, says UNDP’s Human Development Report.[CAPE TOWN, 9 November 2006] - Simply installing a flush toilet in the home increases...
[7 November 2006] - Eritrea has ordered two more aid agencies to leave the country, after expelling at least nine others in the past year. The latest two are the International Rescue Committee and the Samaritans' Purse, both of which used Eritrea as...
Summary: First global study on cluster submunitions asualties: civilians account for 98 per cent of cluster munitions casualties.[GENEVA/BRUSSELS, 2 November 2006] – Civilians constitute 98 per cent of all recorded cluster submunitions...
Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children in New York on 12 October. The report is part of a submission to the Violence Study.As the UN Secretary-General’s Study...
[5 mai 2006] – Près de 40 000 enfants de moins de cinq ans qui souffrent de malnutrition sont menacés de morts dans la Corne de l'Afrique, une région frappée par la sécheresse depuis deux ans, prévient...