Summary: This global report was launched during the week of the presentation of the UN Study on Violence Against Children in New York on 12 October. The report is part of a submission to the Violence Study.As the UN Secretary-General’s Study...
[23 de agosto 2006] - Amnistía Internacional ha publicado hoy unas conclusiones que apuntan a una política israelí de destrucción deliberada de infraestructura civil libanesa, incluidos crímenes de guerra, durante el conflicto reciente.La última...
Summary: First-hand information gathered by recent Amnesty International research missions to Lebanon and Israel points to an Israeli policy of deliberate destruction of Lebanese civilian infrastructure during the recent conflict.pdf: http://web....
[BEIRUT, 3 August 2006] - Israeli forces have systematically failed to distinguish between combatants and civilians in their military campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon, Human Rights Watch said in report released today. The pattern of attacks in...
Summary: Report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and 1st December 2005.The report is also available in Arabic.Infomation about the workshopExecutive summary in English / ArabicOwner: Arab Resource...
Summary: On Wednesday 24th May, the Commitee examined Lebanon's Third Periodic report. This summary highlights the main issues discussed by the government delegation and members of the Committee; it is produced by the NGO Group for the Convention on...
Summary: Executive summary of a report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and 1st December 2005.Infomation about the workshopWorkshop report in EnglishExecutive summary in EnglishOwner: Arab Resource...
Summary: Executive summary of a report on a regional workshop held in Broummana-Lebanon between 28th September 2005 and 1st December 2005.Owner: Arab Resource Collective, Save the Children Sweden, Save the Children Denmarkpdf:
Summary: There are ‘too many guns in our society,’ say young people across the Middle East region according to a new report published today by the Middle East North Africa Network on Small Arms (MENAANSA). The report can be downloaded here in Arabic...
Summary: There are ‘too many guns in our society,’ say young people across the Middle East region according to a new report published today by the Middle East North Africa Network on Small Arms (MENAANSA).In Gaza, from January 2003 to October 2005,...